



學歷Ph.D., McGill University, Canada 2006
Postdoctoral Fellow, Asia Pacific Research Center, Stanford University
得獎論文從頭家島到隱形冠軍:台灣中小企業的轉型,台灣奇蹟的幻滅? 重探台灣中小企業的網絡式生產體系, 1996-2011


關於台灣的產業轉型,目前的主流論述是:台灣產業結構正轉向 以集中化與大公司支配為特徵的現代資本主義形式,過去創造台灣奇 蹟的中小企業網絡生產體系將式微。為檢驗上述命題,本文使用1996年到 2011 年的工商普查資料檔,分析製造業各部門後發現:(1)大企 業主宰台灣產業的命題是根據資訊工業的發展經驗所提出,其關注生 產最終產品的廠商,卻忽略了對附加價值有相當貢獻的各式零件廠商。(2)以附加價值而論,以中小企業網絡生產模式為主的機械與金屬 部門對台灣經濟的貢獻,實際上與資訊產業部門(扣除半導體產業) 相去無幾。(3)中小企業並沒有因為資訊產業(高科技產業)的興起而 空洞化。 本文接著討論驅動中小企業體系的機制,包括零件廠商跨部門的 技術交流與學習;公共研發機構在分散化生產體系中扮演協調的角 色。最後,本文修正產業發展模式的概念,並討論相關政策意涵。

Hollowing Out or Sustaining? Taiwan’s SME Network-based Production System Reconsidered, 1996-2011

The dominant view of Taiwan’s industrial transformation suggests scaling up and growing concentration as the strategies for surviving global competition, thus implying the demise of the SME system. Through a detailed sectoral analysis of Taiwan’s manufacturing industries during the 1996-2011 period, using industrial and commerce census data, this article examines two competing questions (1) whether a SME network-based production system is still viable in Taiwan, and (2) whether Taiwan's industrial structure is headed towards the modern industrial capitalism associated with increasing concentration and dominance by large corporations. The detailed breakdown by sectoral analysis suggests the following.
(1) The Information Technology (IT) sector may have skewed our underst and ingoftheover all performance of Taiwan's manufacturing sector. The growth-driven approach, which centers on the performance of individual firms making the final product, has overlooked the value-added by independent parts makers.

(2) The contribution of the machinery and metal sector (mostly SMEs) to Taiwan’s economy, measured by valueadded, is similar to that of the IT sector (with the exception of the semiconductor industry) on which current generalizations on the rise of large firms draw.

(3) Lastly, contrary to the claim of the hollowing out of SMEs with the rise of the IT sector and that Chandlerian modern large corporations prevail, the findings reveal that the decentralized production system in which a system of SMEs and the networks among them for coordinating economicac tivities continues to thrive. The article then discusses theme chanisms that drivethe SMEsystem, namely, the overlooked role of part smakers and their cross-sectoral, skills based learning, and the role of para-public institutions in coordinating a decentralized industrial system. It concludes with a reconceptualization of thepaths to prosperity and policy implications.


本文探討兩個與台灣產業轉型相關的問題:(1)中小企業網絡生產體系在台灣是否仍然可行?(2)台灣產業結構是否正轉向現代工業資本主義(modern industrial capitalism),逐漸集中化並受回答上述這兩個問題。許多的既有研究結果顯示,擴大規模與加速集中化是全球競爭下生存的策略,這也意味著中小企業體系的消亡。然而,本研究發現並不支持邁向錢德勒式(Chandlerian)現代大型公司的宣稱,證據顯示中小企業這種分散化生產體系,以及中小企業之間經由各項合作所串連的網絡關係,仍然存在且持續發展。針對各部門的細目分析顯示,資訊科技(IT)部門扭曲我們對於台灣表現的理解。以成長為導向,會集中在製造最終商品的個別公司表現,忽略各式各樣零件廠商所創造的附加價值。若以附加價值來衡量各部門對台灣經濟的貢獻,機械和金屬部門(大部分為中小企業)實與資訊科技部門(半導體產業除外)不相上下。本文論證中小企業並沒有因為資訊科技部門興起而空洞化,並且進一步探討驅動中小企業體系的機制,也就是被忽視的零件製造商之間,跨產業、以技術為主的學習.